
ClearView Wireless Wireless Security System Services Training Presentations Contacts Financing

Security, Internet, Presentation, Office, and Hardware. Hands On - $75.00 per hour

We offer a varity of training to help in the office as well as at home.

Office Training

We provide Office 2007 and 2010 training thru video processes. This is mainly an introduction to Office. The course shows the new design and layout of both Office suites.

Basic Computer Internet Skills

Do you know very little about using the Internet effectively? Do you struggle and fumble around? This course covers the Basic Skills needed to communicate and locate resources on the Internet.

Network Security Training

Network security has become an increasing concern for businesses and individuals who have important information stored on computers and networks. Network security training provides a variety of skills needed to secure computers and network connections.

Basic Hardware Replacement Training

Are you a DIY company that's interested in learning more about your own business computers? We offer hands-on hardware removal and replacement. We'll teach you how to remove and replace hardware on your desktop computer. This will save you some time and money that would otherwise go to the computer repairman. Learn simple tasks such as: power supply replacement, memory additions, CD\DVD drive replacement, and much more.

Office Building Security Training

With more than a million office buildings in the United States, more and more Americans are spending a considerable part of their lives working in these buildings. Recently, there has been a growing concern for security in commercial buildings all over the US. The purpose of this course is to familiarize building owners and managers, along with security personnel, with identifying types of dangers in and around buildings and preventative measures that can be taken to minimize the threat of danger to employees.

Presentation Training

An effective PowerPoint presentation can inform, persuade or motivate audience members to take action. It is a powerful tool and intended only to reinforce the information you wish to share. It must not overwhelm the audience with a demonstration of all its bells and whistles. With proper planning and organization, you can produce a PowerPoint presentation that will arouse interest and fully engage the audience members.