Presentation Setup

ClearView Wireless Wireless Security System Services Training Presentations Contacts Financing

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The arrangement of chairs, the sound system, the lighting and the overall climate of the room can make a big difference in the way a presentation is received. You may not think you have much control over these items, but think again, because you do.

ClearView will setup the screen, laptop or desktop pc, projector, perform a sound check, plus install and test your presentation for $150.00 per hour. 1 hour minimum.



Room Set Up Checklist

 Most presentations will be conducted with small groups eliminating the need for a large amount of audiovisual support. But, if you are planning a larger community forum consider conducting a site visit and review the following logistical  forum information as you prepare for your event.
  • Howmany people can be accommodated? 
  • How large will the television monitor or screen need to be so that the audience can easily view the presentation?
  • Can room lights be dimmed while the presentation is aired and then be brought back up for the discussion?
  • Are tables available for materials?
  • Will microphones be needed so that comments can be clearly heard by the audience?
  • Is the meeting room clearly marked or is additional signage needed?
  • Is seating fixed or will chairs need to be set up?  Note: If chairs need to be set up, consider arranging them in a semi-circle to make the setting more inviting for open discussion.
  • Is a speaker podium available?

Quick check:

Before you head out the door to your presentation, run through this quick checklist to be sure you have all the materials needed to make your   presentation a success.

  • A copy of the presentation on CD, DVD, or USB key as a backup
  • Brochures
  • Room signage
  • Copies of the presentation for handouts
  • Pencils or pens and paper for notes
  • Copies of your customized community resources fact sheet